Gospel Tabernacle Ministries
In the Bible, Jesus said…
“Come, follow me and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Mat 4:19 NIV)
His life was a living testament to bringing souls into unity with Him and His father. As part of His mission, He built a team (the 12 disciples) to help Him spread the Gospel, allowing God’s Word to spread around the world and bring as many souls to Christ. As they grew in their relationship with God, their desire to teach others about Jesus Christ became their life’s journey.
Our team is comprised of our ministry workers and leaders whom stand on our mission of being “A Church that Gives!” We journey to give God’s message of love, forgiveness and the promise of eternal life, through salvation and an active relationship with their Savior, Jesus Christ; this is our testament to His life on earth. Our ministries seek to teach, plant, and spread the love of Christ. Uniting under this goal, we learn to build up and pour out into others, partnering in the very same desire and purpose as the disciples – souls for Christ, “that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10 NIV)
Learn more about our ministries and join us as we labor together to bring souls to their Savior. To learn more about us and our church, please contact us at gtchurch@gospeltab.org
In His Service,
Dr. Joseph A. Santos and Pr. Maria Santos
Senior Pastors